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Our Services


The Fish Dinner is a fantastic opportunity to network and engage with professionals from the actuarial industry, who attend from all across Canada.


The Fish Dinner is held every October.


ASNA is the largest Actuarial Conference in North America. This is where networking, interviews, and socializing occur amongst actuarial students and companies.

Check out the ASNA Survival Guide!

​Internship Panel

​Check out this video of Intro to Internship.​

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The actuarial courses are very difficult and require significant preparation through working a lot of practice questions. Beginning in 2022, UMAC has added Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics (STAM) and Actuarial Models study sessions in addition to the Interest Theory study sessions. These sessions are held before tests to better prepare students for writing each upcoming test. These sessions can help you gauge how prepared you are, as upper year students find test-worthy questions to challenge you with.


Every year, UMAC hosts a case competition where teams have to analyze and present their solutions on an issue related to actuarial work.


Guest judges come in to evaluate each team's action plan, and prizes are awarded for the best solutions!




Every September, UMAC members have the opportunity to network and engage with many recruiters from the actuarial industry! 


These information sessions are designed for companies to showcase the qualities of their companies, while allowing students to make positive, lasting impressions on employers.



There are many actuaries with very strong  resumés from quite a few different universities. To help our UMAC members gain an edge over the competition, we host two workshops led by  former UMAC members!


Check it out here.


Other Services


First year actuarial students may be overwhelmed with information about courses to take, exams to write, and people to meet. UMAC has created this guide as a reference for all the facts a new actuarial student should know. It includes information on actuarial courses in each program, courses that correspond to each actuarial exam, approved calculators, and more.


Look at the Survival Guide for information on all topics! Look at the Exam Guide for a deeper look into actuarial exams!


UMAC offers a mentorship program to help guide students who are beginning their actuarial degree. The actuarial program at our university can be confusing, fast-paced, and even isolating at times.  This is where the mentorship program comes in. Through this program, we assign mentors (usually third and fourth-year students) to newer students. Mentors will share their experiences, help mentees navigate difficult decisions, and most importantly, be a friendly face to welcome new students into our big, friendly, actuarial student community.


A new addition to our program is the pairing of mentors with members from the Winnipeg Actuaries’ Club (WAC). WAC members are people who are already working full time in the actuarial field. With this triple pairing, all three parties benefit. The mentee benefits from learning about the actuarial profession, exams, and help getting settled in. The mentor learns further about their work, getting provided assurance that the field is meant for them. Finally, the WAC member gets to develop their leadership and mentorship skills by providing support and advice, all while advertising their excellent companies to prospective future actuaries.


The mentorship program registration officially occurs in September each year, but if you are a new student looking for a mentor after the official registration period, reach out to us anyway and we will connect you with a senior student.



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